How Old Is Too Old To Have An Affair?

How-Old-Is-Too-Old-To-Have-An-Affair_Men and women have been sleeping around behind their partner’s back since the dawn of monogamy. Not to say that it is an acceptable choice to marital issues or lust, but cheaters are going to cheat whether or not they read this article. We’re exposed to the phenomenon young and it persists throughout our lives at different tiers. In middle school, your girlfriend was caught kissing another boy. In high school and college, she was probably caught doing a lot more. In your 20s and 30s, you get married and worry about your spouse sleeping around behind your back with her new coworker. Once you hit a certain age though and your anniversaries begin piling up, it becomes less and less of a worry for most couples. After all, once you’re in your 70s, why go through the trouble of getting a divorce or trying to rectify a 50-year-old marriage that’s beginning to fail. Right?


No Matter Your Age Your Should Seek Happiness

Divorce and adultery after decades of marriage is always a tricky topic. On one hand, everyone deserves to try and make themselves happy without justification, no matter their age or the immorality of their choices. On the other hand, when octogenarians are caught cheating, you can’t help but wonder if it wouldn’t just be easier to wait a little longer or if it’s worth it at all (as callous as that sounds). At a certain age, this question becomes more and more prevalent, which all but hides another question altogether: how old is too old to have an affair?

Its Not Uncommon For The Elderly To Have Affairs

You may or may not be shocked to learn that many senior citizens who have been married for decades do end up having affairs, made all the easier with the advent of Viagra and other male enhancement drugs on the market today. Often, the reason is less about an unsatisfying marriage and more about experiencing new sexual adventures with an acquaintance or even a younger lover. Click here to read about how senior citizens have bigger sex drives than ever! Still, when the news comes to light of a retired husband or wife getting some action behind the spouse’s back, most people wonder if it was even worth it at their age. At a certain point, you might stop to consider a few variables and ponder other options, like divorce.

Unhappy Marriages Lead To Cheating No Matter The Age

Affairs in middle age and old age are often the products of an unhappy marriage; many spouses will have an affair at this point because there are kids at home and they don’t want to get a divorce. In fact, having children at home is an important justification as to why many people cheat rather than get divorced. If you are older than 50 and your kids are finally going to college and moving on with their lives, really think about whether it’s not just easier to get a divorce and start a new relationship off right, rather than with secrets and lies. It is not uncommon for adults in their 20s to learn that their parents are getting divorced after 30 years of marriage. Sad as it may be for the parties involved, this option is infinitely better than having an affair in an unhappy marriage if there’s nothing left tying you down.

Sometimes Its Just About Sex

Still, many men and women in long marriages are quite happy, and just feel that they need to have some sexual adventure as they head into their golden years. In this case, divorce is rarely even considered because the justification is usually, “I love my wife, but I’ve only had sex with her for the last 40 years and I don’t even remember what it’s like being in bed with someone else.” This is an easy trap to fall in to, and is in no small part a contributing factor to the rise of sexually transmitted disease among the elderly (with a healthy contribution from those male enhancement drugs we mentioned earlier). So in this case, you are older than the 45-year-old with kids at home, but you may find your reasons for wanting to have a fling more justified or practical. Are you still too old to have an affair?

It All Boils Down To Circumstance

When it comes down to it, the factors to take into consideration are less about age and more about the circumstances of the marriage. Avoiding having an affair is always the preferable and cleaner option that saves everyone’s integrity. If you insist on having an affair, it’s important to note whether or not someone else depends on your seemingly-healthy marriage, like children at home. Is your spouse in bad health, or is one of you going to assisted living? We are all human and need love in some form, and many people in these situations can only find solace in the arms of another. In the end, age is just a number.

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