Best introduction emails to send

The introductory email is the most important communication you’ll have with a woman on an affairs website. In life, first impressions are exceptionally long lasting (we make an astounding number of judgments about someone in the first second after meeting them) and that applies to an online message on a casual sex site as well. Your goal should be to get her to message you back and everything you write should be in service of that. Hopefully these tips will help you achieve that goal.

Your first job is to peruse her affair dating profile for information to use. The idea is to make a quick connection based on a shared interest (or an interest she has that you’re faking being interested in). When you have a shared interest you pass the psycho test much quicker. If she likes Radiohead and you really like Radiohead then she feels closer to you and assumes that a fan like her couldn’t be a psycho or weirdo. It’s a simple thing but it works like a charm every time.

Hopefully her profile will have something you can relate to and message her about. However, it doesn’t work to simply say that you like Radiohead too. Anyone could say that! Instead, write a message about the time you saw them in concert and mention something specific about Thom Yorke’s onstage banter or the way he sang a particular song. Instead of telling you that you really like her favorite movie you should tell her your favorite scene, etc. In other words, specifics are key when crafting the introductory email that will get her to write you back.



The biggest challenge is what you’re supposed to write when her profile gives you nothing. Some sites don’t ask their members for much information so if she chooses not to write much in her profile you end up with very little info to draw from. Most guys would turn to showering her with praise about her beauty or sexiness but down that road lies failure. Instead you should focus on sharing something of yourself with her. You should always lean towards being a fantasy type of man. You don’t want to get caught in a lie so don’t embellish to a ridiculous degree but there’s no harm in coming off as more impressive than you actually are.

You’re taking more of a shot in the dark when there’s nothing in her profile for you to comment on but you’ll need to come up with something because there are plenty of ladies that give very little information. Keep it simple and feel free to open up a little. If you can come across as charming, witty, and confident you’ll have her hooked in no time. In fact, complimenting her can work in this situation as long as you keep it simple. If you go over the top and tell her she’s the most beautiful and sexy girl in the world and you just want to make love to her then you’ll be deleted. If you keep it simple and tell her that you think she’s really pretty and you’d like to chat with her then she might be surprised by the simple honesty and actually get back to you. With nothing else to go on it’s your best bet and having an affair.


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